Wednesday, August 21, 2002

Went to the dentist today, for the first time in years. I expected the worst, but apparently I have been granted exceptionally sturdy teeth and gums by The Powers That Be, and got away with forty-five minutes of plaque scraping, x-rays, and a friendly public service announcement about how flossing is a good idea. My dentist, who as it turns out originally hails from Atlantic City, referred to my choppers as "King Kong Teeth", because for some reason their bone density is twice that of the normal 30-year-old male. Mutant teeth, eh? Maybe I have a Wolverine-like skeleton of unbreakable bones, and I'm wasting my time plugging away here at the library, because I could be out there fighting crime and ridding the world of evil (the real kind, not John Ashcroft's idea of it).

Probably not. Oh, well... Superheroes probably don't get dental coverage anyway.