Thursday, June 27, 2002

My top five all-time favorite medical journal titles (btw, my day job is at the Countway Library of Medicine at the Harvard Medical School. I'm a library assistant, which I have taken to abbreviating as "Library Ass"):

1. Journal of Human Lactation. Might as well get the obvious one out of the way.

2. American Journal of Insanity. Classic.

3. Depression and Anxiety. I'll let the library catalog entry for this one explain why: "Formed by the union of: Anxiety; and: Depression". I'll say! How did these two ever get along without each other?

4. EMBO Journal. I just like the name on this one. It always soothes me when I'm in the stacks. It sounds like Rambo's little brother.


5. Folding and Design. Not an origami journal, no no. I think it has something to do with proteins, but damned if I know for certain. Hey, I only work here.