Thursday, August 01, 2002

There's nothing worse than losing a nice, long piece of writing to a wayward mouse click or some other accident of technology. Here I was, waxing poetic about my favorite bottled hot sauce, when suddenly in the course of copying and pasting a link I make the whole danged browser window go away, taking my unsaved, unpublished blog with it down to electronic Hades. Damn! But still, it's not as bad as the time in high school that I spent hours typing a term paper on my oh-so-stylin' Franklin Ace 1000, only to reach around and turn off the machine as soon as I had finished, forgetting either to print out the paper or even save it to a floppy. That was an all-time low, and I couldn't even blame the machine for it!

So I'm clicking the Post & Publish button right now, just in case. My ode to Tabasco will just have to wait.