Wednesday, September 11, 2002

Estimated civilian casualties from the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks: 2801 dead and missing.

Estimated civilian casualties from the American bombing campaign in Afghanistan: No official statistics, and the United States has bent over backwards to stymie any attempt to gather the numbers independently. Best guesses range from 1300 dead (The Commonwealth Institute), upwards to 8000+ dead (from a European demining expert in Kabul who works closely with the Pentagon). Many respected NGO's such as Médecins Sans Frontières offer figures somewhere in the middle, around 3000-4000 dead. See the special report in the February 12 issue of the Guardian, which does its best to make sense of these statistics.

I'm all for respecting the memory of the 9/11 dead, but how about a moment of silence for all of the innocent people who have died as a result of these attacks, directly or indirectly?

Peace on Earth.