Thursday, September 05, 2002

Here in America we deep-fry a lot of unusual things: dill pickle slices, steak fingers, even candy bars. Homer Simpson once had his shirt deep-fried, much to the consternation of his wife Marge! But somehow I don't think we're quite prepared for fried spider, a survival food for Cambodians suffering under the Khmer Rouge that has of late become a runaway national delicacy. Now I'm a pretty adventurous soul when it comes to food, but spider is pretty close to where I draw the line, although it can't be too different from soft-shelled crab, right? Roughly the same size, roughly the same texture, roughly the same parts. And the Cambodian preparation - deep-frying them with lots of garlic and salt - sounds like the only way in the world a person could eat a spider and enjoy it. Hmmm. Okay, I'm intrigued.