Monday, July 01, 2002

Stupid Ninth Circuit federal judge is apparently in the process of submitting to the tyranny of the mob on the whole Pledge issue. Now if you're going to make an absolutely inflammatory (although correct, in my humble opinion) ruling such as the one made last week, the least you can do is show a little backbone and stand by it for longer than 24 hours. Or did he honestly think that every single politician in America wasn't going to line up to denounce him for it? And if so, how dumb can you be? The issue of God in American society is a loaded one, make no mistake about it, but the fact of the matter is that when Pat Robertson, Henry Hyde, Joe Lieberman, or George W. Bush talk about "God", they're not referring to some abstract concept of godhead that loves and accepts us in all of our spiritual diversity. They're talking about a very specific, very personal Judeo-Christian God. What frightens me is the degree to which "Holy Joe" Lieberman has allied himself in matters of faith with a bunch of people (i.e., fundamentalist Christians) who in their heart of hearts believe he's going to burn in Hell for all of eternity, EVEN THOUGH he technically worships the SAME GOD! Talk about a marriage of convenience. But then again, one of Israel's most powerful allies in America right now is the Christian Right. So go figure.