Thursday, September 12, 2002

Well, this morning Dubya sure was polite to all those U.N. folks we supposedly don't need to do the things we want, wasn't he now? Could it be that he and his administration are finally getting the hint that all this talk of preemptive unilateral war against Iraq is scaring the hell out of the American people, who are all for saddling up and going after the bad guys, provided that it doesn't make the world hate us even more than it did before (and thus practically guaranteeing another horrific bin Laden-esque terrorist attack in our future)? Hey, those knee-jerk, One World Government-lovin' liberals were actually right on this one - it is a good idea to get the international community's permission to declare war on another sovereign nation! Who'd have thunk it?

Of course it remains to be seen whether the Congress is going to wait on the United Nations, as we know all too well how our Senators and Representatives feel about those selfless blue-helmets who have been holding the most dangerous places in the world together with rubber bands and a prayer for decades now - who needs 'em, right? Except maybe in Afghanistan. And Kosovo. And Cyprus. And East Timor. And Sierra Leone. And the Congo...

...and maybe, in the not-so-distant future, Iraq.