Friday, September 13, 2002

While we're on the subject of music news, I heard this morning that Warren Zevon has been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. Terrible news. My all-time favorite Warren Zevon song: "My Shit's Fucked Up", from his 2000 album Life'll Kill Ya. Zevon's one of the real rock artists - a superb songwriter and musician with a wickedly demented satirical bent. He'll be sorely missed.

(And this is something I only just learned about him: his long-time fishing buddy and song co-writer is none other than Carl Hiaasen, Miami Herald columnist and author of a slew of fantastic neo-noir novels, such as Sick Puppy, Striptease, Double Whammy, Tourist Season, and his latest, Basket Case. Now that I know, it makes perfect sense that Hiaasen and Zevon would team up - they're truly birds of a feather!)