Sorry, I forgot to comment upon the most important news of the weekend - the capture of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed by Pakistani authorities. Shaikh Mohammed is about as far up the al-Qaeda food chain as you can get, save for Osama bin Laden himself, and being that O. B. to the L. hasn't made a video appearance in a long, long time, I would lay odds that the man is dead, which means that this current bust could be the beginning of the end of al-Qaeda, the nominal reason for our "War on Terror". Will this stop Bush and Company from putting the pedal to the metal and zooming up the Highway of Death from Kuwait to Iraq? Probably not. Of course, whatever safety we may have obtained by capturing Shaikh Mohammed is very likely about to be pissed away by our warmongering President and his Dr. Strangelovian Cabinet, who by launching a war of aggression against Baghdad will most assuredly draw the ire of not only the radical Arabs, but moderates and perhaps even those who were once well-disposed towards us...
...guaranteeing in turn the continuation of the War on Terror that should have ended with al-Qaeda! Oh, wait. I see where this one is going now (wish I didn't).
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